Celebrating the 100th Birthday of Our National Park Service!
When Yellowstone National Park became the first national park in the United States in 1872, there was no one to oversee its maintenance. From this beginning, a steady movement grew to embrace the country’s unique natural beauties.
Today, we can witness these natural beauties from space, courtesy of Expedition 48 commander, astronaut Jeff Williams, from aboard the International Space Station.
Death Valley National Park
This is the commander’s view of Death Valley, taken from the station in early August 2016.
Everglades National Park
Williams captured the beauty of Florida Bay in the Everglades National Park, focusing on the Crocodile Sanctuary, a protected wildlife area.
Glacier Bay
Sail down the Ice Ages at Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. From Tarr Inlet Tidewater glacier to Sitakaday Narrows.
Grand Canyon National Park
Grand indeed, here’s the Grand Canyon National Park seen from the International Space Station. Even from space, it took 13 pictures merged together to capture all 277 miles in this fly over.
Yosemite National Park
From visionary leaders of the movement, who worked to create and manage national parks like Teddy Roosevelt to Charles Young, the first African American park superintendent, Congress heeded the call and passed the National Park Service Organic Act, creating the National Park Service (NPS). One hundred years ago today, on August 25, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson signed the bill into law.